Friday, October 29, 2010

Countdown to election: mission impossible

With only three days before the election, it's amazing that the whirlwind of events doesn't just blow us over sometimes.

The newsroom becomes a busy place: candidates roll in every other day; letters flood the editor's desk, with the writers calling and anxious that their letter get in.

In my experience, this year ranks much higher for the amount of voter interest than other mid-term elections. Voters are stressed, angry, confused and in some cases voraciously defending their favorite pols in a year when all seem at risk for losing their jobs.

I was honored and fortunate to be in the middle of it at times while I hosted two debates through Debate Minnesota, an organization I have volunteered for now for three elections. Debate Minnesota is a nonpartisan group dedicated to rigorous but fair and civil discussion of the issues of the day.

They require orderly crowds as well and one of my jobs was to be the "no clapping" policeman.

I hosted with Pete Steiner of KTOE the 1st Congressional District Debate between Tim Walz, Randy Demmer and Steven Wilson. I also hosted the Minnesota gubernatorial debate at MSU with longtime St. Paul Pioneer Press political reporter Bill Salisbury.

I enjoyed doing both debates and take my hat off to all the candidates. It never ceases to amaze me the time and commitment these candidates put into their races. They take time away from their jobs, their families and their life in general to put themselves out there with their ideas, often unfairly attacked by their opponents.

It's a wonder we have anyone willing to run at all.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. But while we are on the topic of taking hats off, let me say how impressed I've been by the job the Free Press has done this election cycle. Mark Fischenich and you have done a lot to provide the underpinnings for deliberative democracy.
