Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Budget watchdog: health reform was fiscally responsible: Repeal could hurt finances

The conservative budget watchdog group Concord Coalition is concerned the health care repeal efforts will be removing unpopular provisions, keeping popular ones and thereby creating more fiscal problems.

Read what they have to say:

"The law that was passed last year had the fiscally responsible goals of controlling long-term health care costs and of seeking to pay for its new benefits, particularly expanded coverage. Those goals should not be abandoned in any attempt to repeal, replace or amend the legislation.

Furthermore, simply repealing unpopular elements of the law while keeping the popular ones would likely leave fiscal policy in even worse shape.

Even if the law provides the promised amount of deficit reduction, it would hardly make a dent in total projected deficits over the coming decades. Much more work would remain to achieve a sustainable fiscal policy."

Here's the full issue brief.

1 comment:

  1. Joe - what are your thoughts on the excemptions being awarded to unions and other groups, especially that lobbied hard for the bill such as the SEIU? Tom Koch
